Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Assassin Tombs

Il Duomo’s Secret
Entrance: On the north side of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence-the switch is clearly visible from the street.
1: Climb the wall to the left of the main doors (located not far west of your starting position), then move onto the platform to the right. Free run to the second of the two decorative arches on the north wall. Now jump onto the beams and make your way to the first chandelier. From here, use the other chandeliers and wooden beams to reach a platform on the south wall. Landing here will create a first shortcut back to the upper level.
2: Run along the beam and climb to the top platform, then turn and jump to the beam near the window; now swing, free run and jump along the face of the south wall to reach a chandelier. Now head to the beam in the north via the chandeliers and wooden platform. From the beam, jump to the stone platform then climb to its upper level. Again, free fun and swing your way to a chandelier to the east. Turn right and make your way over the obvious free run elements to reach a platform on the south wall. Move to the end of the beam, then use the poles to the east to arrive at a platform below. This will activate a second ladder shortcut.
3: Jump to the circular structure, then jump over to the small balcony below the organ pipes. Face north, then use the beams and chandelier to reach an identical balcony on the opposite side of the room; from there, jump to the other side of the circular structure. Move around to the west. Climb onto the nearby platform via the wooden planks and beam, then jump to another platform further north.
4: Walk over the beams and leap over to a platform on the north wall. Climb to the balcony above it, then use the wooden beams to get to a suspended platform. Jump to the stone ledge, then swing via the pole to a wooden platform below; from there, use the chandelier to reach a platform further south. Use the wooden ledges to traverse to the left, then climb up to the walkway above. Use one of the two beams to reach a larger wooden beam to the west; move onto the protruding section to leap over to the nearby balcony.
5: Jump over to a suspended wooden platform (if you collected Hidden Treasure #1, you’re already there), then hop over to the next balcony. Free run up to the ladder, then climb to the top. Free run all the way around the outer edge of the dome until you reach an area of climbable brickwork revealed by camera view.
6: Climb up to the wooden beams, then leap over to a platform in the center of the dome. At the top of the ladder, open the sarcophagus to receive the Seal of Iltani, then exit via the flashing window.

Torre Grossa’s Secret
Entrance: In an alleyway behind the Palazzo Comunale in San Gimignano in Tuscany.
1: Climb up to the ledge that runs around the inside of the wall, then make your way to the gate, throw the lever to open it. Head up the stairs. The wine cellar is patrolled by a small collection of guards, so it’s prudent to silence them before you continue. Climb on top of a wooden rack holding eight barrels, then jump over to the platform in the southwest corner of the room. Leap over to the ledge to the right, then traverse laterally to reach a walkway. At the end of this, jump over to a ledge on your left. Move to the right, around a corner, and climb onto the platform.
2: This route is only necessary if you choose to leave Hidden Treasure #1. Run up the stairs, then jump to a beam. Climb up to the balcony and assassinate the guard there. Hop over to the chandelier, then leap to the ropes just to the north. Move left to reach a platform, then leap over to the beam.
3: Climb over the barrier and walk forward to trigger a cutscene. Remain concealed and watch the movements of the three guards if you intend to perform stealth kills, or just burst into the library and fight them if you are not averse to the idea of a quick brawl. When you are ready, climb on top of a bookcase in the southeast corner of the room. Free run to the wooden beams to the west, then jump over to a wall ring. Climb up to the balcony and assassinate the guards. Use the chandeliers as a route to the north wall, then jump over to a window and climb to the platform above. Now free run (via the poles and ropes) to the next balcony and kill the guard.
4: Walk through the open door on the west side of the balcony to reach the tower area. Run up the ramp, then use the hanging beams to continue your ascent. When you get to the second beam on the south wall, turn around and hop over to the balcony; this short-cut will enable you to assassinate the guard without first alerting him. Climb the ladder, then free run around the outer walls of the tower until you reach a collection of wall rings. Jump over to these. When the camera view changes, watch the movements of the guard to judge the best moment to climb up and strike.
5: Climb up and grab the lintel above the window, then use the wall rings to reach a wooden beam. Jump over to the wall rings, then climb into the rafters. Hop over the beams to a group of three rings in the northwest corner. Climb to the wooden ledges, then traverse to the right to get to a higher beam. The wall rings to your right enable access to the final room. Collect the Seal of Wei Yu from the sarcophagus, then exit via the ceiling hatch.

Ravaldino’s Secret
Entrance: On the outer wall of the Rocca di Ravaldino in Forlì in Romagna.
1: Dive into the water and swim to the platform in the north. Hop over to the upper area, then climb to reach a ledge. Spring back onto the stone platform. Now make your way to the lever to the south via the wooden beams. Activate it to raise the portcullis, then quickly jump down and sprint through before it drops.
2: Drop down until you reach the water, then dive under the metal gate. Climb onto the brickwork, then turn left and free run to the bottom of the well. Wall run up to the first ledge, then spring back to reach another; repeat the process until you trigger a cutscene at the top. Assassinate the guard, then dispatch all of his companions. Make your way to the southwest corner of the area and climb on top of a scaffold, then jump to the east and enter the room-watch out for another guard here if he didn’t enter the fray earlier. Wall run up to the top of a decorative shield, then spring back to reach a ledge.
3: Pull the lever to lower the gate, then free run through before it raises. On the other side, operate a second lever to lower another gate, then free run to the south wall. Turn left and jump over to the beams, then move to the top of the wall. Grab the small ledge just above, then traverse to the left and drop onto a beam. Run down the stairs and climb through the opening at the bottom.
4: Deal with all guards in the vicinity, then head to the northeast corner of the lower area. Climb to the top of the fence, then free run in a clockwise route to get to a balcony. Use the shields to reach and climb through a hole in the wall. The final trial is to activate the lever, then follow a reasonably complicated path to run through a gate before it slams shut. You may find it helpful to practice at least once before you begin. Once you are ready, pull the lever and jump to the right-hand wall section at the start of the tunnel. Jump to the left, onto the broken arch, then run north and jump to a beam. Wall run to the ledge on your left, then spring back to reach a platform. Jump to the beam then swing on the pole and hit the ground running to pass through the gate before it closes. Collect the Seal of Qulan Gal from the sarcophagus, then exit via the trapdoor.

San Marco’s Secret
Entrance: You’ll find a ladder on top of the Basilica di San Marco in Venice, with the secret entrance just below.
Introduction: From your starting position, head straight to the waypoint marker and use the switch to set up four free running and climbing trials-one each for the north, east, south and west areas of the church. These “physical puzzles” challenge you to discover and follow a very specific route to reach a lever within a short timeframe. Take too long, and the lever will retract. I advise that you practice each course at least once before you attempt it against the clock. Once all four trials have been completed, drop down into the secret area to collect your prize: the Seal of Amunet.
North: Stand on the north switch plate, then hop over the fence and climb the pulpit to your right. Jump over to the stone pillar and, from there, to the platform on the left. Use the poles to the north to reach the lintel over the doorway, then jump to the ledge on the right. Move along until you reach an arch, then use the decorative fittings to climb up to the balustrade above. Run alongside the north wall and free run over the boxes; wall run up to the hanging rings. Move to the top, then spring backwards to land on the beam. Finally, jump onto the lever before it retracts.
East: Stand on the east switch plate, then sprint forward to reach two tables covered in white cloth at the back end of the apse; use these to reach an alcove. From here, jump onto the platform to the left, then turn left again and make your way onto the platform at the center of the area. Climb onto the balcony to the north, then head left and left again. Free run over the improvised “bridge” to reach a ledge on the far side. Traverse to the left, past the pillars, and climb up onto the balcony. Scale the organ pipes to reach the flat surface on top and, from there, leap to the lever.
South: Stand on the south switch plate, then climb the pulpit to the left. Free run to the south (via a pole and suspended platform) until you reach a thin dividing wall. Turn right and run along the wall until you pass under an arch; hop over to the platform directly ahead. Turn right and use the wooden beams to reach a ledge on the left-hand side of the arch, then climb up and over the balustrade to reach the upper walkway. Leap over to the first of two hanging cruciform decorations, then drop and traverse to its easternmost arm; climb back up and hop over to the next one and do the same again to reach the walkway. Turn right and free run over the beams to arrive at the south wall, then climb to the center of the window and spring back to grab the lever.
West: Stand on the west switch, then free run over the left-hand column of benches and climb onto a decorative screen. Move under the archway and use the two platforms to reach a ledge to the west. Traverse around until you see a beam beneath Ezio, then drop onto it. Use the beams that extend from the west wall to progress north; at the far side, climb via the ring to reach the upper level. Run around the corner to reach the huge window, and climb the cross at the center. When Ezio reaches the top, spring backwards and then swing via the two poles to reach the lever.

Visitazione’s Secret
Entrance: On the west face of the tower at Santa Maria Della Visitazione in Venice.
Opening Chase: Head along the tunnel and perform a Leap of Faith from the beam. Assassinate the Brute, then give chase as the Agile flees. Pay special attention when you reach the final corridor. If you can free run from a sheet-covered step to a wooden platform suspended over the lower path, there is an opportunity to perform a perfect Air Assassination at the end. You can then stroll through the open gate and past the oblivious guards in the adjacent room. If you don’t catch the Agile in time, you will instead need to climb through a gap to the right of the closed gate, and then fight him and a group of his cohorts.
1: Free run up to the pole on the tower and swing to the stone platform. Move to the right-hand side of the platform, then wall run and jump right to reach the first bar.
2: Once the cutscene ends, swing to the steps. Wall run up the shield and jump left. Free run and swing over the poles in quick succession to reach the southeast corner of the chamber. Wall run and jump right to reach the second bar.
3: Swing to the ledge below and sprint to the ruined railing. Free run over the wall sections in the southwest corner to reach the third bar.
4: This is the most difficult stretch. Don’t allow the acceleration of the mechanism to panic you. Swing from the bar to a broken column, then free run to a platform further north. Follow it around to reach a  surface with streaming water; approach it and wall run, then jump left to reach a higher level. Jump over the gap to another platform (past the back of the statue), then turn to face north and gather your wits for the finale: a free running sequence over two bars, a broken column and a pole to reach the raised area in the northwest corner. Jump to the final bar to unlock the way forward. Enter the burial chamber to retrieve the Seal of Leonius.

Assassination Contracts

Day At The Market
Location: Florence.
Brief: Kill a merchant at a marketplace in the San Marco district.
Special Conditions: The target will run if he recognizes Ezio; contract is failed if he escapes.
Advice: Travel to the waypoint marker, then stroll around the area with Eagle Vision active to identify your target. A good place to look is by a Tailor and Art Merchant on the east side of the green circle. You can either wait until he is facing away from Ezio and walk over for a quiet kill, or just run over and finish it-either ending is fine.
Reward: 1,000f

Fallen Archers
Location: Florence.
Brief: Kill three archers.
Special Conditions: Targets will attack if they detect Ezio.
Advice: The three archers are arranged in a line in the south of the San Marco and San Giovanni districts. The target on the right is alone beside the river, and can be dispatched with an Air Assassination; the central target is on a rooftop, which makes him ripe for the Assassinate from Ledge technique from the south face of the building; the target on the left walks back and forth between the river and a cart full of leaves, with the latter being a prime location to strike. There is no penalty for engaging them directly in combat, but the low-key approach we suggest here removes the need to fight additional guard patrols or rooftop archers.
Reward: 2,000f

Political Suicide
Location: Florence.
Brief: Kill a target north of San Lorenzo in the Santa Maria Novella district.
Special Conditions: Desynchronization occurs if the target detects Ezio.
Advice: The target is located beneath an archway, with two groups of four bodyguards blocking the path on either side. Hire the Courtesans standing just north of San Lorenzo, then escort them close enough to lure away one group of guards. Use Eagle Vision to identify which of the two noblemen is your quarry, but don’t make your move yet. Instead, wait for a group of civilians to walk towards the arch, then Blend with them. When you draw level with the target, finish him with a quick Hidden Blade kill. Make your escape instantly-your Blended status will end the moment the body is detected.
Reward: 2,000f

Caveat Emptor
Location: Florence.
Brief: Kill the Salvucci family member found in a marketplace in the Santa Maria Novella district.
Special Conditions: Desynchronization occurs if the target detects Ezio.
Advice: Look for a Blacksmith and an Art Merchant in the highlighted area. Identify the target with Eagle Vision (he is conversing with his bodyguard), then watch him approach the Blacksmith as you draw near. Hide among citizens by the Art Merchant to avoid the Harasser in the center, then wait for a crowd to pass between the bodyguard and your target. Blending in again, walk over and stab him with the Poison Blade before retreating to a safe distance.
Reward: 2,000f

Meeting Adjourned
Location: Florence.
Brief: Follow a corrupt official to a meeting, then kill all marked targets.
Special Conditions: The official must not detect Ezio before he reaches the conspirators; all targets must be killed before they can escape.
Advice: There are Harassers stationed by the corrupt official’s location, so be sure to Blend to avoid them as you approach. The journey is uncomplicated, with the standard 25-second period of grace in effect whenever Ezio loses sight of his target. Once you arrive at the destination and the conspirators are revealed, hire the nearby Courtesans and order them to distract the guards. Climb onto the wall and use the Flying Knives special technique to fell numerous targets immediately, then throw a Smoke Bomb at the sole exit to prevent anyone from moving through while you mop up any survivors. If you haven’t acquired the Flying Knives ability, use multiple Smoke Bombs and perform Hidden Blade assassinations instead.
Reward: 2,000f

Needle In A Haystack
Location: Florence.
Brief: Find and kill a conspirator near Santa Maria Novella.
Special Conditions: The target must not detect Ezio.
Advice: The target is located in one of several courtyards that may or may not be guarded; the exact location is chosen randomly for each attempt. A search at street level will be both time-consuming and dangerous, so stock up on Throwing Knives and head to the rooftops. Methodically travel to each courtyard in turn and examine the occupants with Eagle Vision. That’s the hard part. Once you have identified the conspirator, finish him with the Air Assassination technique.
Reward: 2,000f

Location: Florence.
Brief: Kill 10 Brutes within a time limit.
Special Conditions: 60-second time limit once the first guard is killed.
Advice: The Brutes are on a bridge in the far south of the San Marco district. Hire a group of Mercenaries on your way there (you can find one just west of the bridge), then start the battle by ordering them to attack. The clock will only start counting down from the moment of the first death. Unless you are already a master at performing Counter Kills with the Double Hidden Blades, don’t attempt to fight the Brutes directly. Instead, try to get behind them and perform quick assassinations while they are distracted. Smoke Bombs can be useful here-throw one, and you’ll enjoy a brief period where you can slay disoriented Brutes before they recover.

Leader Of The Pack
Location: Florence.
Brief: Tail a guard to his garrison and assassinate his leader.
Special Conditions: Avoid detection while tailing the guard.
Advice: This contract ends with a particularly vicious battle, so ensure that Ezio’s health and armor are in top condition before you start, Harassers are the only complication during the first part of the journey, but you should be reasonably adept at dealing with these pests by now. When the target and his companions walk through a guarded entrance, you have a choice. The first is to hire the nearby Courtesans and use their talents to secure passage to the alleyway, then fight your way through the guards until you can engage and execute their commander. The second is to climb to the roof of the building and observe the assembled troops before the time expires, then perform an Air Assassination. Either way, it’s definitely a good idea to use a Smoke Bomb to mask your escape once the target is dead.
Reward: 2,000f

Reap What You Sow
Location: Tuscany.
Brief: Find a Pazzi benefactor on a farm east of San Gimignano and kill him.
Special Conditions: Target is located within a Restricted Area, with guards poised to attack if they spot Ezio.
Advice: There is no reason why you can’t burst into the Restricted Area and slay the target (and, for that matter, his guards). However, a more satisfying scenario is to approach the farm from the hill to the west. Run down to the tower and watch the patrol for a moment; when the coast is clear, calmly walk over and hide in the leaf-filled cart. The subsequent assassination will be noticed by his bodyguard, but you can easily outrun anyone who gives chase-especially if you have a horse waiting nearby.
Reward: 2,000f

Don’t Get Your Hands Dirty
Location: Tuscany.
Brief: Kill four conspirators in San Gimignano.
Special Conditions: Lorenzo suggests that Ezio assassinate the targets without using weapons, but this is not mandatory.
Advice: Start this contract from the pigeon coop in the south of San Gimignano, then work your way north. If you would like to follow Lorenzo’s guidance (and it really is just that-there’s no penalty for Hidden Blade kills), consult the following tips. Target #1 can be found in the marketplace where you assassinated Bernado Baroncelli earlier. Throw him into the wooden cage. Target #2 is on top of a tower. Climb up and throw him from the south edge of the roof; in any other direction, there’s a slim chance he may survive the fall. Target #3 is on top of a much taller tower. You can throw him in any direction you please. Finally, Target #4 is located on a rooftop. Hurl him over the edge to end the Memory.
Reward: 2,000f

Supply In Demand
Location: Tuscany.
Brief: Locate a guild leader by tailing one of his employees, then kill him.
Special Conditions: The hireling must remain unaware of Ezio’s presence.
Advice: Maintain a safe distance, dealing with or bypassing Harassers quietly, and the journey is unexceptional in every way. When you reach the guild leader, just run straight over to perform the assassination with a bare minimum of ceremony. His unarmed companions will attack Ezio, but how you deal with their misplaced loyalty is very much at your own discretion.
Reward: 2,000f

Flee Market
Location: Tuscany.
Brief: Kill a pair of conspirators in a marketplace close to Santa Maria Assunta.
Special Conditions: Targets are inside a Restricted Area; nearby guards will attack Ezio on sight.
Advice: Travel to the north side of Santa Maria Assunta, then climb to the upper roof area. You will see a courtyard to the south-this is where your two targets are located. Kill the closest archer (but without allowing his body to slide or fall from the rooftop), then creep over to the Leap of Faith position above the cart full of leaves. Track the movement of your targets until their backs are turned, then jump down into the hiding spot. Both targets will stop by this position. Stealth isn’t an option from this point onward, so leap out for a High Profile Assassination, then cut down the second conspirator before he can run far. The final objective is to escape, which shouldn’t be too difficult if you head for the south end of the town.
Reward: 2,000f

Vertical Slice
Location: Tuscany.
Brief: Kill five Borgia henchmen.
Special Conditions: Desynchronization will be immediate if Ezio is detected-stealth kills are mandatory.
Advice: The best way to approach this contract is to move to a position west of the Borgia soldiers, then work your way through them. Target #1 is patrolling near the west edge of the town. Hide behind the wall to the right of a well, then emerge and assassinate him from behind when he walks to the north. Approach the nearby steps and Blend with crowds to make your way to Target #2. There is a pile of hay on his patrol route, but any stealth kill will do just fine as long as he doesn’t see Ezio. Target #3 is the man furthest south. Climb onto the nearby rooftop and approach the wall beneath him when he faces away, then jump up and hang from a position just below the fence to avoid detection. When he moves close, use the Assassinate from Ledge technique. Target #4 is the man furthest north. Once again you should approach him carefully, observe his patrol route, then strike either when his back is turned, or by waiting patiently on a ledge until he stands above Ezio. You are now free to tackle Target #5 on top of the tower. Jump to its east face from the adjacent building to begin climbing. Be very cautious when you reach the top: accidentally moving onto the roof when the target is facing Ezio will force you to replay the contract from the start, which will be enormously frustrating. Wait patiently for the guard to move to your position, then use the Assassinate from Ledge technique to safely conclude the Memory.
Reward: 2,000f

No Camping
Location: Tuscany.
Brief: Kill the leaders of three groups of soldiers in the countryside surrounding San Gimignano.
Special Conditions: A time limit of five minutes.
Advice: Start this mission from the southern pigeon coop-this way, you can quickly sprint to the south gate and pick up a horse. With each group, the leader is your only concern: you simply do not have time to fight all of their soldiers as well. Ride your horse to each waypoint, then identify the commander with Eagle Vision. Run in for a quick Hidden Blade kill (a flurry of Throwing Knives will also work), then get back on your horse and travel to the next target. If you’re quick and direct, you should be able to finish this contract with a couple of minutes to spare.
Reward: 2,000f

Location: Tuscany.
Brief: Assassinate a target taking a stroll through the Antico Teatro Romano ruins southwest of San Gimignano.
Special Conditions: The ruins are designated as a Restricted Area for the duration of the contract, so guards will be swift to attack Ezio if they spot him; if the target sees Ezio, you must catch him before he escapes.
Advice: Initiate this contract at the southern pigeon coop to cut down on travel time. The east side of the ruins is heavily guarded, with your target taking a stroll in the “corridor” that runs from north to south around the outer edge of the complex. Head to the north end of this walkway and assassinate the guard at the end, then the guard patrolling above. Stand in an unobtrusive position where you can wait and watch for your quarry to approach with his bodyguards. Once you have identified him, use the Air Assassination technique to complete the contract. Escape before the guards can gather in numbers to attack.
Reward: 2,500f

Thin The Ranks
Location: Romagna.
Brief: Assassinate six guards inside Forlì.
Advice: This first contract in Romagna is easy-the only real work is traveling to each waypoint. The targets are all found in pairs: two in the north of Forlì, two in the south, with the last two found patrolling the west town wall. Simply reaching the final damned duo is something of a puzzle at first, but you can easily jump across to the wall via a building next to the first wall tower north of the Rocca di Ravaldino.
Reward: 2,500f

Beginnings Of A Conspiracy
Location: Romagna.
Brief: Kill three targets.
Special Conditions: Ezio must avoid detection by the targets or their allies-stealth kills are a must here.
Advice: All three victims are located inside the walls of Forlì, so use the pigeon coop in the center of town when you accept the contract. The closest target is an Elite patrolling with three subordinates beneath your starting position. If he is walking at the rear of the formation, simply fall into stride behind him and stab him with the Poison Blade when no one is looking. If he is to the side or front of the formation, you may need to arrange a distraction. Hire the nearby Mercenaries and order them to attack, then discretely poison the target once the battle begins. The target in the north of the town is a civilian, and the only one of the three targets to become suspicious on sight of Ezio. He and his bodyguard will start moving as you approach. Hire the Courtesans on the street and order them to distract the guard, then sneak behind the target to administer Poison. The final target is solitary, so you are free to perform a Hidden Blade kill when he faces the water.
Reward: 2,500f

Arch Enemies
Location: Romagna.
Brief: Eliminate the 10 Borgia archers.
Special Conditions: Kill all targets within the allotted time limit.
Advice: Throwing Knives are a must for this contract; you should also start it from the pigeon coop in the center of town. Take a quick look at the area map once the Memory is underway, and you’ll see that the archers form a line that snakes towards the south gate. In essence, this is a race where the ten Borgia archers act as checkpoints. Focus on the allotted targets, ignoring any local guards who give chase, and this challenge will pose no problem.
Reward: 2,500f

Wet Work
Location: Romagna.
Brief: Swim or row to a ship anchored just off the coast, then make your way on board and kill the captain.
Advice: You can reduce travel time by starting this Memory at the pigeon coop north of Forlì. Grab a gondola from the dock northwest of the ship, then row to the east of the waypoint marker, taking care to stay clear of the other boats and red Restricted Area. Now jump out and, after checking that there are no guards looking out in your direction, swim to the rear section of the vessel. Move to the right-hand side to begin climbing, then traverse back to the aft section. From the ledge, dispatch the two guards that pass your current position with the Assassination from Ledge technique. Once they have been eliminated, you are free to climb up when the captain stands by the wheel. Assassinate him, then jump off the boat before anyone notices.
Reward: 2,500f

Dead On Arrival
Location: Romagna.
Brief: Kill the agent.
Special Conditions: Ezio must not lose the target.
Advice: The Agile can be found on a rooftop in the northwest of Forlì. Once he espies Ezio, he will do what he does best: run. This initiates a chase that features ambushes designed to stall Ezio’s pursuit. However, if you approach his building from street level, then climb up on the west face, it is possible to jump up and assassinate him before he can take more than a single stride (1).
Reward: 2,500f

Go Towards The Light
Location: Romagna.
Brief: Kill the commander guarding the lighthouse.
Advice: The target is on top of the lighthouse in the far northeast of Romagna, with the structure (and immediate surroundings) designated as a Restricted Area for the duration of the mission. Make your way to the water in the very northeast of the map, then cautiously swim south to reach the jetty by the arch. Climb up the wall, then wait and watch from the ledge. If you time it carefully, it’s possible to kill the Brute then the archer before either can react. Climb to the next level of the lighthouse and dispatch the archers there; finally, make your way to the top and slay the target in whichever manner you deem appropriate.
Reward: 2,500f

Mark And Execute
Location: Romagna.
Brief: Locate a woman marked for execution, then kill the target who is with her.
Special Conditions: Ezio must not be detected.
Advice: The woman is held captive in a courtyard behind a large building in the northeast of the map. All entrances at ground level are heavily guarded, so hire the Mercenaries to the east and order them to attack the guards stationed at the south entrance. Now carefully walk through the melee and identify the target. Wait until he faces away (2), then stroll behind the target and guard to perform a Double Assassination. If this mission proves too problematic, you can return to it later once Ezio acquires a new weapon during Sequence 09.
Reward: 2,500f

Thicker Than Water
Location: Venice.
Brief: Follow a gondola to reach the target.
Special Conditions: Immediate Desynchronization if you are detected by a guard.
Advice: Grab a gondola en route to the waypoint marker, then follow another gondola through the Venetian canals. When it eventually emerges into the open sea, it will head over to a boat. Your target is on board. For a quiet kill, steer the gondola to the far side of the vessel-avoiding the Restricted Area-then jump out and swim underwater to reach a  position just behind the marked man. Wait until his guards are facing away, then strike from the water. 
Reward: 2,500f

Zero Tolerance
Location: Venice.
Brief: Eliminate a target who is chasing a woman.
Special Conditions: The woman must not identify Ezio or witness the deed.
Advice: When you reach the marked area, head to the herald standing beside the Blacksmith inside the green circle. Face south, activate Eagle Vision, and wait. You’ll see the woman first, with your target in hot pursuit. When they enter an alleyway to the left of your position (heading east), quickly run south, past the Blacksmith, and take the first right. Climb into the cart filled with hay or the adjacent well. After scanning the area to ensure that there are no guard patrols passing by, use the Assassinate from Hiding Spot technique to end your quarry’s amorous pursuit.
Reward: 2,500f

Blade In the Crowd
Location: Venice.
Brief: Find and kill three targets without alerting them to your presence.
Special Conditions: Time limit of three minutes; immediate Desynchronization if Ezio is detected.
Advice: You’ll need to use Eagle Vision to identify each individual, and approach them from behind to perform the necessary Hidden Blade finish. Try to note the positions of potential Blend opportunities as you move, and be quick to use them to avoid detection if a target is facing Ezio when you locate him. The Poison Blade could be a fine solution if any one of the three is walking close to a patrol or stationary guards.
Reward: 3,000f

Honorable Thief
Location: Venice.
Brief: Follow an informant to the target’s location.
Special Conditions: Keep up with the Thief; ensure that he is not killed.
Advice: Throwing Knives are beneficial here. The route taken by the Thief isn’t too taxing, but you’ll need to stay hot on his heels to be ready to kill each archer. The target has bodyguards when you reach him, but it’s a fairly undemanding brawl as long as you stay well clear of the outer edge of the rooftop.
Reward: 3,000f

No Laughing Matter
Location: Venice.
Brief: Identify and kill specific individuals disguised as harlequins among the Carnevale crowds.
Special Conditions: The targets will flee if they see Ezio.
Advice: The target in the northwest is alone, and is the easiest of the three to kill. The other two are initially located in separate private gatherings surrounded by guards. Approach from the canals in both instances, then give chase should they flee before you can perform an assassination.
Reward: 3,000f

Crash A Party
Location: Venice.
Brief: Follow a guest to a party, then kill the host.
Special Conditions: Maintain distance from target while following; timer appears if eye contact is broken; party is in a Restricted Area.
Advice: The first part of the contract is simple enough: just don’t cause a commotion or get too close to the guest. When she turns into an alleyway blocked by guards, quickly scale the building. Eliminate rooftop archers as required, then reestablish eye contact before the timer expires. The party is in a Restricted Area, with patrols (including a Seeker) poised to detect Ezio if he lingers in the open. The target is standing beside one of the painters at the west edge of the enclosure; climb down the outer wall there for easy access. Blend with the nearby crowd until the patrols face elsewhere, then emerge to strike.
Reward: 3,000f

False Legacy
Location: Venice.
Brief: Eliminate a single target (and, as a fringe benefit, free kidnapped artists to decorate the Medici family crypt).
Advice: The target is a Brute, ostensibly secure behind a screen of guards with patrols covering the nearby area. The obvious strategy is to fight your way through, but a more prudent alternative is to hire a group of Mercenaries and order them to attack. Once the melee unfolds, stroll calmly into the center of it and cut the Brute down with the Double Hidden Blades. 
Reward: 3,000f

Hunting The Hunter
Location: Venice.
Brief: Kill a target to obtain the location of a bounty hunter trailing Ezio, then eliminate him.
Special Conditions: The body of the first target must be looted to continue.
Advice: The initial target is an Agile, and you’ll find him standing beside the west wall of San Pietro di Castello. Approach the church from the east side, climb to the roof, and you could easily slay him with Throwing Knives before he has the opportunity to run. Naturally, it pays to ensure that there are no patrols in the vicinity before you do this. Now loot the body to reveal a new waypoint. Approach the center of the marked area from the south; a cursory examination will reveal that your target is actually a crude dummy. Ready yourself for the inevitable ambush before you approach it, then defeat all combatants to complete the final assassination contract.
Reward: 4,500f

Beat Up Events

A Woman Scorned
Location: West of the Palazzo Auditore in the San Giovanni district in Florence.
Advice: The errant husband can be found in a courtyard not far to the south of the starting position. Administer a succession of blows until he cowers in fear to complete the Memory.
Reward: 200f

Spear of Infidelity
Location: Speak to a woman in an alleyway not far north of San Gimignano’s south gate in Tuscany.
Advice: The target is a Seeker, and he’s stationed on the southeast section of the city wall. As with all Beat Up missions you must not kill him, so engage the cad with fists alone. This Seeker will flee if you succeed in a Disarm attempt and makes regular use of the Sweep technique, so it’s best to knock him over with flurries of fast combos. Step back when he yields, and the Memory will soon end.
Reward: 2,000f

Wanton Hubby
Location: A short walk from Forlì’s north gate.
Advice: The husband is outside a house east of a bridge within the highlighted area. Unlike other Beat Up targets so far, he has friends who will attack Ezio once the fight begins. Disable these first, then punch the cheat until he submits.
Reward: 2,500f

Promiscuity Knocks
Location: In the northeast of Forlì, not far from the gate.
Special Conditions: Wanton Hubby must be completed first.
Advice: Your target is near the Rocca di Ravaldino in the southwest corner of Forlì, but this is a public area with several guards in the immediate vicinity. As the act of assaulting a citizen will draw their attention (and, subsequently, their swords), you’ll need to create a distraction. Hire a group of Mercenaries and order them to attack the main patrol; this should pull all unwanted potential aggressors into a fight. Now approach the husband and administer the necessary beating. Be careful not to knock him into the water-this counts as killing him, and will force you to replay the Memory from the start.
Reward: 2,500f

Philanderer on the Roof
Location: Cannaregio district in Venice.
Advice: Travel to the waypoint marker and make your way up to the rooftop. As with all other Beat Up Memories, it’s vital that you don’t kill the target. Launching combos is risky (you might accidentally knock him over the edge), so stick to counters. After five or six of these, the scoundrel will yield.
Reward: 3,500f

Courier Missions

Location: A short walk to the south of the Palazzo Auditore entrance in Florence.
Special Conditions: Deliver the two letters before the time expires; both recipients are guarded by individuals who will attack Ezio if their suspicion level is maxed out by standing in their line of sight.
Advice: The recipient to the southeast is standing on a balcony, with two guards gazing balefully at would-be suitors strolling below. Scale the south wall of the building, then speak to her and leave quickly before her guardians can react. The second woman can be found inside a courtyard with a group of men standing guard at its only entrance. Climb onto the roof, then quietly drop down and converse with her to complete the delivery.
Reward: 100f

Wedding Bells Are Ringing
Location: On the main street leading into the center of town when you enter the south gate in San Gimignano in Tuscany.
Special Conditions: Complete the journey before the time expires.
Advice: Two minutes is a highly generous time allocation-your destination, as a quick glance at the map will reveal, is a church in the northeast of the city. As long as Ezio’s Notoriety level isn’t at maximum, you could jog there and still have plenty of seconds to spare.
Reward: 1,000f

Speedy Delivery
Location: Outside a Bank on the main street that leads from San Gimignano’s south gate to the center of town in Tuscany.
Special Conditions: You must complete “Wedding Bells Are Ringing” before you can start this Memory. There is a time limit of 2:30 with three separate destinations.
Advice: Sprint to the south gate and grab a horse; you don’t have a hope of reaching all three drop-off points without one. Dismount to speak to each recipient, then quickly get back on the horse and set off for your next destination. A journey with no hitches should leave you with approximately 25 seconds to spare, so rest assured that minor mistakes won’t be punished harshly.
Reward: 2,500f

The Messenger’s Burden
Location: Near a Bank west of Abbazia di San Mercuriale in the center of Forlì in Romagna.
Special Conditions: Deliver the message within the allotted time limit.
Advice: Run east from the starting position, then take the second street to the left. Climb the wall to the right of a group of Courtesans to reach a rooftop, where you will find a rope “bridge” providing easy access to Forlì’s east wall. Jump from the Leap of Faith position directly ahead, and the recipient is just a short sprint to the south. How you deal with the final twist is entirely up to you-there are no penalties or additional rewards either way.
Reward: 2,500f

The Perfect Marriage
Location: Cannaregio district in Venice.
Special Conditions: You must loot the Thief’s body, so don’t do anything that might cause him to fall into water.
Advice: Ezio is asked to retrieve a letter by killing the man who stole it. Naturally, he’s of the Agile archetype. There is a five minute time limit, but you can remove the need for a chase by approaching the target from behind. From his position on the rooftops, he faces east; sneak up from the west for a fuss-free Hidden Blade kill. Should he spot Ezio, switch to Throwing Knives to cut the pursuit short. Loot the body and return to the final waypoint.
Reward: 3,500f


Florentine Sprint
Location: By the Palazzo Della Signoria in the San Giovanni district in Florence.
Special Conditions: Run through all gates within the allotted time limit.
Advice: Don’t hurry on your first attempt-just aim to complete the course at a steady pace, with the process of learning the route your principle concern. When you reach the penultimate gate (it’s on top of a chimney), just keep moving forward to perform a Leap of Faith to a pile of leaves directly below.
Reward: 100f

San Gimignano Dash
Location: On top of the wall tower in the north of San Gimignano in Tuscany.
Special Conditions: Reach the final gate before the time expires.
Advice: It’s not the route that makes this Race difficult, but the level of precision required to reach the final gate within the tight time limit. The solution is to practice until you refine the path you take-trite, but true. The most important thing to remember is that you do not have seconds to spare for dealing with archers: your only option is to sprint past and lose them. Secondly, aim to keep time spent hanging on ledges to a bare minimum-the optimal route is one where Ezio hits the ground running after the vast majority of jumps. One tip that will definitely shave seconds off your time is to complete a continuous free run sequence on the beams and poles above the path that leads to the last few gates. Stick to the left-hand wall, and you’ll find that it’s faster than running at ground level.
Reward: 1,000f

San Marco Scuttle
Location: Behind Santa Croce in the southeast corner of Florence.
Special Conditions: Run through all gates within the allotted time limit.
Advice: Ignore any guards that give chase, and focus on learning the route on your initial attempts. The most difficult part of the course comes just after gate 12, where there is a jump to a rooftop that is just outside Ezio’s range. The solution is to angle your run to climb the wooden crane, then leap from there. There are a lot of gates to pass through, but you actually have enough time to make a few (small) mistakes.
Reward: 1,500f

Romagna Hustle
Location: Behind a house directly north of Forlì in Romagna.
Special Conditions: Finish the course before the clock reaches zero.
Advice: As ever, ignore guards and archers-even if they attempt to attack Ezio, you’ll soon lose them. There are a few instances here where you can save a lot of time by simply leaping from a rooftop for a necessary return to ground level. Heal while running, and this trick will enable you to cut many seconds from your time. When you leap over the wall on the west side of Forlì, mount the nearby horse to make your way back to the start. Jump off and finish the final two gates on foot.
Reward: 2,500f

Location: Not far from the Fast Travel Station south of Forlì in Romagna.
Special Conditions: You must have completed Romagna Hustle to start the Memory, complete the course within the allotted time limit.
Advice: The trick to negotiating the course quickly is to regulate your pace by releasing the Legs Button whenever you need to move the horse between obstacles or over bridges. Though it’s a trifle callous, there’s also no reason to slow down for pedestrians.
Reward: 2,500f

Venetian Rush
Location: Near the front entrance of the Basilica di San Marco in Venice.
Advice: This is an enjoyable challenge, with a perfectly manageable three minute time allocation. If you don’t complete it the first time, your greater familiarity with the course should make the second run a certainty. There are only a few areas that may be problematic. Firstly, one of your initial gates at street level forces you to briefly cut through the Restricted Area surrounding the palazzo. Don’t worry about this: just spring straight through and ignore the guards. Finally, the latter section of the Race features two instances where you free run over beams above water. Falling here will lose you more time than you can spare, so favor caution over speed for both.
Reward: 3,500f

Present 03

Epilogue: After Desmond is ejected from Ezio’s world, follow Lucy down to the lower warehouse level to fight the Abstergo invaders. Desmond now has full command of his ancestor’s abilities, so the baton-wielding henchmen will pose no threat at all. There is no way to fail or “die” in this short epilogue, but be sure to continue listening as the screen fades to black.

Sequence 14

X Marks The Spot: You must have all 30 Codex pieces to play this Memory. With this task accomplished, visit the shops in Monteriggioni to repair armor and replenish your stocks of Medicine, Throwing Knives and Bullets. Now enter Mario’s office to meet with the assembled Brotherhood members and follow instructions. To continue, you must activate Eagle Vision and rearrange each square on the Codex Wall to form a map of the world. Once satisfied with the result, approach and interact with the Piece of Eden on its pedestal to trigger a cutscene.

In Bocca Al Lupo: Your fist task on arrival in Rome is to scale the wall. Make your way up to the hanging platform, then leap across to the hand-holds on the south face of the wall tower. At the top of these, jump to the right to grab the wooden beam. Wall run to the ledge above, then traverse all the way to the left. Perform a climb leap to reach a final small hand-hold, then continue upward. You can leap over and engage the soldiers straight away, or reduce their numbers with the Assassinate from Ledge technique. Pull the lever to open the gate. In the next area, the necessary lever is on a balcony in the northeast corner-but you’ll need to fight your way to it. Once through the second gate, defeat the guards before you climb the tower to the west. After Ezio leaps onto a horse, gallop over the small obstacles to avoid the guards until you reach a gap in the wall. You  can either dispatch the guards from horseback, or jump off and free run over to the opposite side. Either way, it may be wise to defeat all adversaries to ensure an uninterrupted climb once you reach the next tower. The following gameplay section, encompassing several wall sections and towers, provides the opportunities to use Ezio’s many assassination techniques. After leaping from the final tower, you will be confronted by a large group of combatants, including Brutes and Seekers. The fight will become immeasurably easier if you Disarm and disable the guards wielding two-handed weapons first. Climb up to the waypoint and pull the lever to open the way forward. The next section marks a brief change in pace; Blend with the robed figures to avoid the guards in the two corridors as you make your way to the two levers. Killing the sentries is fine but only if Ezio isn’t caught in the act. Once inside the Sistine Chapel the easiest solution is to free run to a platform above Borgia, then perform an Air Assassination. This, naturally, is not the end-as the following cutscene soon confirms. Ezio uses the power of his appropriated Piece of Eden to create doppelgängers to distract the Templar leader during the fight. This provides opportunities to strike Borgia from behind while his attention is elsewhere. The staff he wields is a two-handed weapon, so avoid Counter Kills-and, for that matter, Disarm attempts, as neither will work. One sneaky trick is to wait until he is facing elsewhere, then unleash a quick flurry of Throwing Knives. Once Borgia’s Health Meter is depleted, a cutscene will begin. When it ends, use Eagle Vision to detect two switches, then activate both to open the way forward. In the final climatic battle between the two adversaries, follow the onscreen prompts to end the confrontation.